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Castlereagh Nursery School, Belfast


Our major project this year is waste. We want to reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill and to reduce, reuse and recycle as often as we can. 

Firstly, a big thank you to our parents/ carers for providing us with email addresses and consenting to using the schools messaging app- this has helped us significantly reduce the amount of paper that we use, as we can send our monthly newsletters/letters out electronically. 

In school, we have discussed and read different books about recycling.

We watched some recycling programmes on Tv; Come Outside and Peppa does recycling. 

We introduced a new recycling bin our in classroom, as well as doing away with paper towels in the bathroom instead we have towels to dry our hands with. 

The introduction of a food caddy for our food waste at snack time. 

We have been encouraged to bring in some boxes and recyclable products from home to allow us to create and use more junk art. We even shared with our parents how important it is to recycle, with some of us even creating more junk art at home. 

Within each classroom, there is a focus on reusing card, paper and cut offs in class as part of collage and creative work. 

At the end of everyday we are encouraged to remember our Eco-Code.